What is Recovery Coaching?

There is a lot of talk about recovery coaching as a way to assist the treatment of addictive disorders including substance use disorders. So what really is recovery coaching and is it helpful? The Center for Addiction Recovery Training, a leading resource for Recovery Coaching training, defines Recovery Coaching as a peer professional who assists in promoting a recovery oriented lifestyle and helps to remove obstacles to sustained recovery. Certified Recovery Coaches receive training in techniques proven to help people identify their problems, set goals, and achieve their level of desired wellness.

A number of studies published by the Recovery Research Institute support the efficacy of recovery coaching in conjunction with more well known clinical modalities for addiction treatment like inpatient treatment, medical detox, group and individual therapy, and structured sober living. Recovery Coaches are not meant to be a replacement for therapy or 12 step sponsorship but can be useful as an additional resource in combination with more traditional  approaches.

Ultimately, recovery coaching can be a helpful asset to anyone’s recovery regiment regardless of where you are in your journey. Here at Red Rock Recovery Centers we offer Recovery Coach trainings to all of our staff so they may better assist in the healing process for our patients. To find out more about how recovery coaching is integrated into our addiction treatment programs give us a call today.

