Abstinence in Addiction Recovery

Abstinence in Addiction Recovery

Why Abstinence?

For decades now, the focus in drug addiction recovery has been the achievement of total abstinence. For those who have struggled due to addiction or alcoholism, one of their primary goals each and every day is to avoid drinking or getting high.

Although this approach has worked for thousands and thousands of people, some believe that total abstinence is too extreme. They say that viewing every drink or puff of marijuana as a “relapse” decreases a recovering addict’s confidence and sabotages their otherwise excellent efforts in recovery. Who’s right? Is moderation a viable option when it comes to overcoming an addiction?

Slippery Slope

Almost every substance abuse treatment expert will tell you that when addiction is the problem (not occasional substance abuse or even regular drug or alcohol abuse, but a full-blown addiction) then the ideal way to successfully overcome the chronic disorder is complete abstinence. Does this mean that it’s impossible for an addict to be able eventually, at some point in the years following treatment, to function in society despite the occasional drink or use of marijuana? No. But unfortunately, cases like controlled drinking program successes or healthy patterns of weed use are the exception and not the rule.


Mainly, cravings play a significant role in addiction. Even though the addict is no longer physically dependent upon the substance of choice, seeing the drug or hearing someone talk about using it is often enough to trigger a relapse and, ultimately, a return to addiction, especially in the first few years of recovery. And taking control of cravings to use alcohol or drugs can be very difficult.

Indulging that craving by attempting to have “just one” drink or a puff off a joint does not serve to ameliorate that craving. Rather, cravings grow stronger and now, under the influence, the rationalizations for having more become even more difficult to ignore. As addicts and alcoholics are all too aware, their disease progresses even when they are in recovery. That means no matter how long they’ve been clean, they still need to remain vigilant about “slipping”. Almost inevitably, that first drink back will lead to one more, which leads to a dozen, which leads to repeating the behavior the following day and the next-the slippery slope of drug use can quickly turn moderation back into an active addiction.

Addiction Or Not?

The theory behind harm reduction techniques, like attempting to moderate one’s use of drugs or alcohol if they are not yet ready to enter treatment, is particularly seductive to addicts and alcoholics alike. After all, the reality is that few addicts who enter treatment are excited about the prospect. Many would prefer to limit the number of drinks they have in a session or otherwise attempt to control their drug or alcohol use, and most have tried to do so multiple times in hopes of avoiding having to give up their drug of choice and go to rehab, but without success. Drug rehab is almost always viewed as a last resort for addicts who have had to come face to face with the consequences of their inability to manage their drinking or drug use.

In fact, the inability to moderate one’s use of substances is one of the main signs of addiction and the need for treatment. If it is possible to suddenly stop all drug use and abuse and have just one drink at dinner every night and never any more than that, then treatment is unnecessary. Unfortunately, for addicts who have years of addictive use of substances in their past, having a “normal” relationship with drugs or alcohol is highly unlikely.

In addition, the potential benefits of being able to enjoy a drink every now and then are far outweighed by the risks of overdose, accident, and/or a return to active addiction. For every story of someone who once had a heroin addiction but now can drink occasionally on the weekends, there 25 other stories of people who were sober for years then attempted moderation and ultimately lost their life to overdose or an accident under the influence.

Red Rock Recovery Center is a Colorado state licensed substance abuse extended care treatment program designed to help you or your loved one recover from the struggles associated with alcoholism and drug addiction. Located in Denver, Colorado we offer a safe haven for those afflicted by the ravages of untreated addiction. Our program is based on a compassionate 12-step model that applies behavioral as well as life skill therapies, which will enable our clients to heal and recover.